Are you happy? 행복한가요? Everyone wants to be happy, but they don't ask if they are happy. 누구나 행복을 원하면서 살고 있지만 서로 행복한지에 대해선 묻지 않는다. Instead, did you eat? or do your homework? Are you healthy? how old are you? and what school you graduated from? Are you married? Are you at work? 대신 밥은 먹었느냐? 숙제는 했느냐? 건강하냐? 안녕하냐? 나이는 얼마인가? 어느 학교를 나왔는가? 결혼은 했는가? 직장은 있는가를 묻는다. Of course, only happy people can know who i..